Want to make your contact information more accessible on your website? An easy way to do this is by making telephone numbers clickable. You can do this by editing the page where you want to place your contact info on. You can visit the Dirigible support page or follow these simple steps:
1. Click “Edit Page”
2. Input your contact information in the corresponding section
– Be sure to label your contact info so users know where to look for it. “Cel:” or “Tel:” works just fine
3. Highlight the phone number and click on the “Link” option from the popup menu.
4. In the field to insert a link, enter “cel:+” followed by your phone number’s country code and the number itself.
– For example, a US number would be Cel:+12223334444, 1 is country code and 2223334444 is your phone number.
5. After inserting your phone number, click the “Update” (or “Publish”) button.
– The linked phone number becomes operational once you publish or make updates to your page!
How to add a clickable telephone number to your website